Read on to learn more about possible emergency complications from lung cancer, how to prepare for them, and how to cope after the event.
Oncological Emergencies of Lung Cancer
Airway Obstruction
A significant number of people with lung cancer will develop obstruction of the airways.
Symptoms can include:
CoughTrouble breathing when walkingCoughing up bloodFrequent lung infections
Treatment of an airway obstruction depends on the size of the tumor. Options include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and sometimes surgery.
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
The superior vena cava is a primary vein that brings blood from the rest of the body to the heart. Lung cancer slowly compresses this vein, leading to superior vena cava syndrome.
Symptoms include:
Swelling and discoloration in the face and neckCoughShortness of breathShoulder or chest pain
Treatment often includes radiation and chemotherapy to reduce the size of the cancerous lesion. Additionally, healthcare providers can place a stent inside the vein to hold it open.
Patients with superior vena cava syndrome typically have advanced lung cancer.
Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism
All types of cancer increase a person’s risk for blood clots in large veins and arteries, including the ones that are part of the lung. Pulmonary embolism, a blood clot in the lung, is common in people with lung cancer.
Symptoms include:
Chest painShortness of breathPalpitations
It can be challenging to distinguish a pulmonary embolism from typical lung cancer symptoms. A person should be more suspicious of an acute pulmonary embolism if their symptoms suddenly change. Treatment usually includes anticoagulants.
Pericardial Tamponade
People with lung cancer can develop a pericardial effusion, which is fluid between the heart muscle and the sac that holds the heart. As the fluid builds up around the heart, people develop heart failure.
Pericardial tamponade is a life-threatening emergency in which so much fluid has accumulated that the heart can no longer pump blood to maintain adequate blood pressure.
Symptoms include:
Shortness of breathChest painPalpitationsLight-headednessLow blood pressure
The problem is treated by placing a needle or a catheter into the area to drain the fluid in a procedure called pericardiocentesis. Unfortunately, once this complication has developed, the prognosis is poor.
Massive Hemoptysis
Hemoptysis is defined as coughing up blood.
People with lung cancer can have minor hemoptysis, but massive hemoptysis is an emergency. This bleeding occurs when lung cancer invades a blood vessel. It becomes an emergency as the blood can quickly fill up the lung.
Treatment starts with intubation, a procedure in which a patient has a tube inserted into the lungs and is placed on a ventilator. A bronchoscopy and other specialized procedures are performed to look for and stop the bleeding.
Spinal Cord Compression
Lung cancer can spread to other parts of the body, including the spinal cord, where it can compress the nerves. If the tumor grows large enough, patients develop paralysis.
Symptoms include:
New-onset back pain, particularly when lying downTrouble moving the legsDecreased sensation in the legs and lower bodyProblems urinating
Spinal cord compression with significant neurological symptoms often requires surgery, but sometimes corticosteroid treatment or radiation therapy helps to reduce the size of the tumor and associated swelling.
Pleural Effusion
A pleural effusion is a buildup of fluid between the lung and the sac holding the lung.
Symptoms of pleural effusion include:
Shortness of breath at restChest painCoughTrouble taking a deep breathFever
Treating pleural effusion involves draining the area with a needle or catheter. Sometimes, a procedure called pleurodesis is required in people with malignant pleural effusion. During this procedure, a chemical is instilled into the chest cavity, preventing reaccumulation.
How to Manage Emergency Situations
People with chronic, life-threatening illnesses like lung cancer should always be prepared for an emergency, such as a fire or hurricane. Here is how to be prepared.
Tumor lysis syndrome: When a large number of cancer cells die at once, releasing contents into the bloodstream Hypercalcemia of malignancy: Abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood Febrile neutropenia: Fever associated with a low number of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell Hyperviscosity syndrome: Increased thickness and stickiness of blood
Speak with your healthcare provider about your risks for any of these complications.
Plan Ahead
People with lung cancer should speak to their healthcare provider about what to do in case of a natural disaster in their local area. People should consider if they need extra medication and what might happen if they miss certain treatments.
Make an Emergency Kit
It can be helpful to have emergency supplies on hand, like nutritious food and plenty of water. People with cancer are at higher risk for infections, so it is imperative to have hand sanitizer, face masks, and clean water available.
Carry Your Medical Information
Keep your medical information up-to-date and on hand. Include your healthcare provider’s name and phone number. If you find yourself in another city or hospital, the new providers will not have access to your medical information unless you carry it with you. It is challenging for them to manage your disease effectively when they do not know your history.
Find Emergency Cancer Care
As soon as an emergency arises, call your provider to find out where to seek further care. It’s best to have a backup plan in place should your clinic or hospital not be available to provide you care.
Living With Lung Cancer
Screening programs and effective new treatments mean people with lung cancer have higher life expectancies. One of the challenges for people with lung cancer is how to live with it.
People with lung cancer need to obtain the most appropriate treatment. Special techniques called molecular testing help healthcare providers make decisions about specific treatments. This testing is essential to prolong life and avoid less effective treatments.
People with lung cancer should develop a cancer survivorship care plan. This includes a record of your cancer and treatment history and information about checkups and test results. A cancer survivorship care plan helps you and your healthcare providers understand your disease and progress.
Finally, you can stay as healthy as possible by doing the following:
Avoid tobacco and quit smoking. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Stay physically active and keep a healthy weight. Stay up-to-date on regular health visits and immunizations.
Coping With a Cancer Diagnosis
Lung cancer not only affects your physical health but your emotional health too. These emotions are normal and are experienced differently in each individual.
Living with lung cancer can make a person feel:
However, once a person accepts their cancer diagnosis, they can often feel a sense of hope and gratitude. People with lung cancer realize the importance of enjoying the little things in life and going to places they have never been before. They may spend more time with family and friends and mend broken relationships.
To further improve emotional health, it is vital that a person:
Expresses their feelings with friends and family, other cancer survivors, a support group, or a counselor Looks for the positive and tries to be hopeful Does not blame themselves for the cancer Finds ways to relax through meditation, guided imagery, and relaxation exercises Stays active Looks for things they enjoy doing like hobbies or creative endeavors Is involved in their care and makes lifestyle changes to create a sense of control
Lung cancer is a difficult diagnosis and can be complicated by other emergency conditions. Some of these emergency complications include airway obstruction, superior vena cava syndrome, acute pulmonary thromboembolism, pericardial tamponade, massive hemoptysis, spinal cord compression, and pleural effusion.
In addition, external emergencies, like fires or natural disasters, can make lung cancer care more challenging. It’s essential to have a plan in place for emergency situations.
A Word From Verywell
Living with lung cancer can be scary. It takes a toll on your physical and emotional health. Prepare yourself for the different types of emergencies that can occur so you can manage your care in case of an emergency. Feel free to reach out to your healthcare provider to discuss your plans.