C.W. G.W. Bush + Finally gets his war and pursues it with detached discipline: Barely even watched his bombs-over-Baghdad on TV. Saddam - Shoulda grabbed that villa in Mauritania. And video showed him aging 10 years in three days. P.S.: Ugly glasses. Uday - No dynasty for Saddam’s son–or brother Qusay. These sickos are “targets of opportunity,” too. V. Clarke + Pent. asst. sec. designs media “embeds” with precision-guided PR payload. But will she let them show the bad news? P. Arnett + Old CW: Gulf War I has-been. New: Once more, unto the Baghdad breach. “Shock and awe indeed, Tom!” Peaceniks = Biggest protests ever, but it’s a little late, folks. Stopping now would leave Iraqis in Saddam’s vengeful hands.