This article explains the benefits and risks of medically necessary and personal colon cleansings. It also compares two common methods of colon cleansing: colonics and enemas.
Uses and Benefits
There are generally two reasons why people use colon cleanses:
Medical benefits that are backed by scientific researchPopular uses that are not necessarily supported by science
Medical Uses and Benefits
Medical uses of colon cleansing, and especially an enema, include:
Treats constipation or an impacted bowel: Colon cleansing is often an effective treatment for constipation/impacted bowel that hasn’t responded to other treatments. Delivers certain medications to the lower intestine: Colon cleansing gets the drug right where it’s needed and is used for conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, and proctitis. Empties the contents of your colon: Colon cleansing is useful before surgery or diagnostic and screening tests including X-ray, colonoscopy, or sigmoidoscopy.
When you use colon cleansing for these purposes, be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Overuse of enemas can interfere with the proper function of your colon and actually make constipation worse.
Popular Uses
In popular use, colon cleansing is purported to have all kinds of benefits, including some related to intestinal health and others having nothing to do with it. So far, none of these claims are backed by scientific evidence and they’re refuted by some research. Proponents of colon cleansing say it is beneficial for:
Clearing waste and “toxins” from the bodyImproving digestionBoosting your immune functionAiding weight lossImproving moodLowering colon cancer risk
Colonics and enemas are trusted ways for flushing the colon, but you may hear of other methods. Before trying any colon cleansing, be sure to discuss the treatment in depth with your healthcare provider.
Colonics vs Enemas
Enemas involve a one-time infusion of water into the colon. By contrast, colonics involve multiple infusions. What’s more, the main objective of an enema is to evacuate the lower colon, while colonics are meant to cleanse a larger portion of the bowel.
Perhaps the single most important distinction is that a colonic infers the use of specialized equipment administered by a trained hydrotherapist, while an enema can be performed by medical personnel or at home with a do-it-yourself kit purchased over the counter.
Colonic irrigation is intended for medically indicated colon cleansing (for example, before a radiological examination). It usually lasts 45 minutes to an hour. During the procedure, you lie face up and the hydrotherapist inserts a disposable speculum into your anus.
This speculum is connected to a long disposable plastic hose, which is in turn connected to the colon hydrotherapy unit. The unit sends warm water into your colon, and the pressure promotes a reflexive contraction of the colon muscles, called peristalsis. This forces waste out of the colon, back through the hose, and into a closed disposal system.
Often performed in the bathroom, enemas typically involve lying on your back and inserting the enema kit’s nozzle several inches into the anus. This nozzle is connected to a tube that leads to a container holding the fluid for the infusion.
Releasing the tube’s clamp initiates the flow of fluid into the rectum and stimulates peristalsis. The next step in an enema is to retain the fluid for several minutes, then sit on the toilet to expel it.
Other Types of Cleanses
Colon cleanses come in many forms in addition to colonics and enemas, including:
These methods are not recommended by health professionals. Always check with your healthcare provider before choosing to try one.
Pills: Often containing fiber supplements and other natural laxatives, many pills on the market claim to help cleanse your colon. Vitamin C flushes: This involves taking enough Vitamin C that your body can no longer absorb it and it causes severe diarrhea. Salt water flushes: Sometimes referred to as the “Master Cleanse,” it involves drinking salt water, which has a laxative effect.
Keep in mind, however, that none of these colon cleansing methods are recommended by health authorities and you should always consult with your healthcare provider before doing them.
Colonics and enemas do carry some potential side effects, risks, and complications.
After a colonic session, you may experience:
Abdominal pain and crampingA feeling of fullness or bloatingNausea and vomitingSores around the anus
Performing an enema at home can lead to:
Colon tissue damageBloatingCrampingIrritation and inflammation of the anusWorsened constipation
Risks of colon cleansing, using any method, include:
Dehydration Infection, including with parasites Electrolyte imbalance Abscesses in the digestive tract Bowel tears or perforations Sepsis (an infection that can lead to shock, organ failure, and death) Acute kidney failure Pancreatitis Heart failure Vitamin and mineral deficiencies Diarrhea
Colonics and enemas aren’t safe for everyone. You should avoid them if you have conditions including:
Diverticular disease Ulcerative or ischemic colitis Crohn’s disease Heart disease Kidney disease
You should also avoid these procedures if you’re pregnant or have recently had colon surgery.
A Word From Verywell
Despite the lack of medical evidence, you may hear the supposed benefits of a colon cleanse and think, “What can it hurt to try?” Remember that side effects, risks, and complications are all possibilities, and certain health conditions can make it especially dangerous for you.
If you have a health problem and have wondered if a colon cleanse could help, talk to your healthcare provider about treatment options that are proven safe and effective by medical science.
During an enema, you may also feel fullness, but probably less than with a colonic because less liquid is used. You may feel a need to use the bathroom while you hold it in.
If you’re trying to improve colon health by eating certain foods, you can do so by:
Increasing your fruits and vegetablesEating whole grains rather than refined ones, and focusing on non-bread sourcesReducing proteinAdding flaxDrinking lots of water