Kaepernick, who attracted worldwide attention in 2016 for kneeling during the national anthem instead of standing—a gesture he said was a protest against racial injustice in the U.S. against African Americans—had some choice words about the early Friday killing of Soleimani, which was ordered by President Donald Trump.

“There is nothing new about American terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people for the expansion of American imperialism,” the football player wrote in a tweet published at about 3 p.m. Saturday.

A minute later, Kaepernick followed up with another tweet accusing the United States of using its military might to enforce its will onto non-white people.

“America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad,” he wrote. “America militarism is the weapon wielded by American imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world.”

As of 9 a.m. EST, Sunday, Kaepernick’s first and second tweets had received nearly 70,000 and 40,000 likes, respectively.

However, some commentators and pundits rebutted Kaepernick’s words, which they saw as defending a terrorist, or simply made fun of him.

For example, conservative commentator Michael Knowles wrote that Kaepernick “opposes America [and] defends terrorists.”

Another conservative commentator, Allie Beth Stuckey, who works for Blaze Media, told Kaepernick that the way he split the issue into white and non-white caused him to not see the real issues at hand.

“Your worldview is so polluted by the lunacy of intersectionality that you’re unable to see that evil exists in many forms, in many skin colors,” Stuckey wrote. “Your insistence that white = guilty and brown = innocent prohibits you from seeing truth and seeking justice.”

She also asked, rhetorically, if Kaepernick also believed that all of the problems of the “non-white world” problems could also be traced back to the United States.

“What about the terrorism, the abuse of women, the killing religious minorities, the murdering of gay people etc perpetrated by these regimes?” she asked. “America’s fault?”

Candace Owens, another commentator known for her support of Trump, brought up ancient Iranian history in her response to Kaepernick.

“Hey man,” Owens wrote. “I know you’re in mourning but I thought you should know that Iran’s former name is “Persia”. Remember that empire of ‘brown bodies’ that invaded, slaughtered, and imperialized for about 900 years? Ya. That was them.”

Mark Levin, editor-in-chief of the conservative news website the Conservative Review and host of the political talk show Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News, responded to Kaepernick by calling him a “moron” and opining that the United States was defending people by killing Soleimani.

“You’re nothing but trash,” Levin wrote in a retweet of Kaepernick.

Tomi Lahren, who hosts a talk show on Fox Nation, told Kaepernick he was “welcome to move to Iran” and suggested he could get a job there. However, Lahren said that he should be wary, as Iran is not known for treating protesters well.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham also slammed Kaepernick for his tweets during an interview on Fox News on Sunday. He said of the athlete: “He has no idea what the Iranian regime has done to the region. He has no idea they have 600 American deaths as a result of IEDs made in Iran, used in Iraq. It is un-American. He’s a racist. If you are looking for racism in America, Mr. Kaepernick, look in the mirror. Your country is not the problem, it’s the Iranians, and you’re so blinded by your hatred of Trump that you can’t see the difference between who we are and who the Ayatollah is. Pretty sad.”

Updated 1:34 PM ET, to include Lindsey Graham’s comments.