There are other colorful varieties of quartz gemstone, including amethyst and Tiger’s Eye. Like clear quartz, you can also use amethyst for holistic healing.
Since clear quartz is one of the zodiac sign Aries’s birthstones (along with diamonds), quartz’s calming and clarifying abilities are especially well-suited to help soothe Aries’s fiery, turbulent emotions.
The healing and amplifying properties of quartz can feel so effective because the gemstone is piezoelectric, meaning that it disperses negative energy and produces an electric charge when compressed. [4] X Research source
The seven chakras are the seven energy centers of the body, and the crown chakra is the final center where all the energy flowing from your other chakras meets at the top of your head.
Setting intentions is essentially telling yourself what you intend to do or think and repeating it until the intention is ingrained in your mind. An example of setting intentions could be, “I will forgive myself for my mistakes and move forward,” or, “I intend to make meditation part of my daily routine. "
Keeping the quartz close will remind you of your intentions, giving you more motivation to fulfill them as you go about your day!
You can also recite affirmations during meditation, which are short mantras designed to merge your conscious and subconscious mind. For example, an affirmation could be, “I am compassionate,” or “I am at peace. "
Quartz in the office space can boost your creativity and improve concentration, making it easier to buckle down and tackle projects you’ve been meaning to work on. Quartz stashed under your pillow or on your bedside table can help soothe stress and ward off bad dreams. Quartz in a shared space or living room can ease tensions between people, instill harmony, and give everyone in the room inspiration and creativity.
If you’ve never made an altar before, don’t sweat! It can be as simple as a table with crystals and other decorations. You can add a personal touch to your altar by decorating it with mementos or photos that inspire you, candles, herbs, and incense. You can create a crystal grid on your altar by placing the largest quartz in the center and positioning four smaller, evenly-spaced quartzes around it. Then, arrange other crystals between each quartz to finish the grid.
Quartz is thought to relieve more than just headaches! Stimulate healing energy in your body by holding the quartz against any area where you feel pain, and visualize bright energy traveling through your body and into the crystal.
Cleanse quartz crystals on a monthly cycle (or every full moon, if you follow this method). They can become loaded with stagnant energy over time, and cleansing helps keep them effective long-term.
Any instrument will work for this, from a harp to a tuning fork! You don’t need to be well-versed in an instrument; you can simply ring a bell or chime if you prefer. If you don’t have an instrument at home, sing or chant to cleanse the crystal. You can sing anything that comes to mind, as long as it helps you visualize and clear away negative energy.