The warning is supposed to make fun of Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger ahead of Saturday’s AFC playoff game against the Bengals. The spoof advertisement is in reference to sexual assault allegations against Roethlisberger in 2009 and 2010, both of which were later dismissed.

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Here’s how the spot plays:

“The Tri-State currently under a severe Big Ben warning from now through early Sunday morning,” the spoof begins. “The Steelers quarterback has been spotted in the downtown Cincinnati area. All females ages 18-40 are to use extreme caution, especially if heavily consuming alcohol. Males should also be on the lookout just in case.

“If you see Big Ben and he flashes Little Ben, you are asked to report it to authorities immediately.

“He poses the greatest threat to 18-to-40-year-olds, especially those with boob jobs in the downtown Cincinnati area. You are safe if you live in Butler or Clermont counties, pretty much anywhere in Kentucky and most of southeast Indiana.”

As expected, the spot has been controversial. Some Twitter users said the station should be “ashamed” of itself. The station, however, thinks it’s hilarious, and tells TMZ it will continue to run it through the weekend.